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Dominican Republic


By December 7, 2016October 22nd, 2024No Comments

Tip #1: Lead
Sounds easy, right? We both know that it’s not always easy to lead. But when we lead we can more effectively lead if we lead with conviction, clarity, and courage.
A pastor recently attended a play by to see someone is his church perform. After the play, the actor and pastor were talking. The pastor asked, “Why is it that people respond to what you are doing with some enthusiasm and very little in our church on Sundays?”
The actor responded, “I share my make believe with conviction as if it’s real; you share your real with the conviction as if it’s make believe.” What oftentimes is missing for us as leaders is real conviction. 

We also need to lead with clarity. So often as a Type A personality, I think I have communicated to our team and I am off to the races to the next thing. We must communicate with clarity if we want to lead. Often, it may mean repeating things or explaining ourselves, but we will only when if we lead with clarity.
Lastly, we must lead with courage. Our team is watching. Will we take the easy way out? Our will we trust God to come through even when our decisions aren’t popular. Leading with courage inspires those around us to be men and women of faith.
Conviction, Clarity, Courage: all necessities in this day and age as a leader.
If we at Heart Share can help you and your team with any leadership retreats or team building, please let me know!
(Tips #2 and #3 will be coming up soon!)

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