Dear Friend of Crossover-Cups,
We are having an amazing summer… I WISH YOU WERE HERE! This year we have four villages to work in and four community centers. Every year we grow thanks to our wonderful partners.
Every time I walk through the villages I see the incredible work that your kindness has accomplished. When I see the kids that have been in our discipleship program for the last 6 years who are now teaching and leading the camps… I gotta say it makes me tear up a little. This growth is true success in a mission.
Today I have a meeting with another missionary who wants us to help him re-create the Crossover-Cups program in his area. I will tell him about the need to disciple the locals to replace his leadership. I will tell him the time and effort involved. I will tell him to move into the community he desires to serve. I will tell him that he needs wonderful partners like you. But he has to find his own! LOL.
I don’t know what you are going through today. I don’t know how your life, or health, or marriage, or relationships have been. I do know that your partnership with the mission is bringing life change to a bunch of poor children on a mountainside in the Dominican Republic. Your generosity is feeding children and adults who spend their day in the garbage dump. Your support means that little children at an orphanage get to hear the good news of God’s intense love for them. So raise your head with joy today. You are being a champion for the King of Kings today.
May God bring joy to each of your hearts.
-Mike Williams
PS: This month, we are collecting Flip- Flops for kids in the villages of the Dominican Republic. One pair of Flip-Flops cost only $2! If you would like to partner with us in providing flip-flops, you can send them to our office OR Donate online with the comment: “Flip-Flops”
Jack Eason: “It’s been an incredible summer already. We are seeing God do some incredible things because of your prayers and financial support. I thought this month I would share a story from one of our summer staff”:
From Madeline Johnson-
She sat on the steps of one of the busiest bars in town.
We were prayer walking in downtown Sosúa, known for prostitution & sex trafficking. We usually don’t stop along this section because it’s too busy & draws attention, but something about her caught our eye. The girl signed that she is deaf & mute, so we stopped to give her a care package, but our team had to keep walking.
But the Spirit told me to stop, get Lauryn Elizabeth Eason & get the girl some ice cream.
Lauryn signed to the girl that we wanted to buy her ice cream, so we grabbed Josh Preston & took the girl by the hand. Her face was shining in excitement, but as she walked, we noticed her crippled foot, probably a result of a polio outbreak a few years ago.
We got to the ice cream shop & Joanna picked out rainbow confetti ice cream. We sat down & Lauryn signed, asking where she lives. She wouldn’t tell us, but she said that her mom dropped her off, saying she needed to find a gringo who would “love” her & then give her money. Once she had earned enough money, she signed, her mom would come back for her.
She is 15, or so she said.
Her innocence was authentic;
it was clearly her first time on the streets. Every time a white person passed, she waved & smiled, hoping they might “love” her too.
She thinks all white people want to buy her ice cream.
Two men passed by; she smiled & waved. They signaled for her to come.
Lauryn spoke up, “she’s with us!”
“She’s with us.”
Surprised to hear English, they came & sat down, still interested in Joanna.
We explained that we are missionaries & that we just met Joanna, but decided to take her out for ice cream.
Once the men realized that she was deaf, mute, & crippled, they lost interest.
We talked to the men for a few more minutes, then I offered to pray for them.
“Yeah, can we pray for you guys?”
I didn’t know what to pray & I honestly don’t remember.
We talked a little more, until they finally left.
Around the same time, our team returned. We gave her a backpack & a few random things. She beamed.
We stood, hugged & kissed her goodbye, & then we had to leave.
We don’t know where Joanna is now. We don’t know what has been done to her.
I keep crying out,
“why, God?”
But He keeps saying,
“Serve the street girls. Choose them. Fight for them. Sit with them. Befriend them.”
His answer doesn’t fit my question,
so I’ve got to change my question.
“What do you want me to do about them, God?”
Purpose is found when we conform our questions to cling to His answers.
In the meantime,
He holds our tears & He holds Joanna, too.
Would you pray for Joanna? Would you also pray about supporting our ministry financially so we can help more boys and girls like her? Click HERE to join the CUPS TEAM!
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Crossover CUPS Mission celebrates THIRTY years as a non-profit organization this February 2019!
Register and plan to join us for a night of celebration with Jack Eason, Mike Williams, tons of friends, laughter, and inspiration!