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AfricaDominican Republic

January 2024

By January 2, 2024October 22nd, 2024No Comments

January 2024

Thank you for making 2023 one of the best years ever for the ministry of CUPS Mission in the Dominican Republic!  Because of you hundreds of children and families receive food, clean water, skills training and most importantly the Good News of Jesus.

Now that school is back in session – with many of the kids in CUPS’ villages able to attend because of your generous gifts of school supplies THANK YOU – you may wonder how CUPS missionaries continue to pour into the lives of the families in La Union, Valedor, Alto de la Jagua, Zion, Paradise and New Dawn when the children are busy with their studies. 

One way was through the 2023 Men of Honor event last month.  Your CUPS missionaries partnered with local pastors and community leaders to invite over 100 men from CUPS’ villages for a day of encouragement, Bible teaching, worship and a challenge to be men of honor in their homes and in their villages.  The Holy Spirit showed up in big ways, and as Daniel and the CUPS Missionary team lead in worship we saw men come to faith in Christ, men repent and commit to restore their marriages, men give up alcohol for the sake of their families, and men becoming godly leaders in their homes and villages.

Please join us in lifting these men up in prayer, that they would continue to follow after Jesus Christ, and through their leadership in their homes, God would transform families and the villages you support through CUPS Mission.

This event along with all of the CUPS programs for children and families are made possible only through your continued partnership with us.  We cannot thank you enough for your generosity and passion to Rescue a Child, Transform a Family, and watch God Do It Again Tomorrow! 

Thank you!
The CUPS Team