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June 2020 Update From Crossover Malawi

By October 8, 2020August 15th, 2023One Comment

Dear Friends,

Thank you for standing with Crossover Malawi during the last few months. Many of you came on board with our team by hearing about us at a recent radio event, and we are truly thankful for your support.

As we face the Covid-19 Virus here in America, a civilized first world nation, maybe it’s hard to imagine the effects of this virus in the Third World. Let me just say that it could very well be catastrophic without our work there through Pastor Mark Zimbiri and the River of Life team.

This week, I heard from Pastor Mark and the work of the health clinic continues. There are more people showing up who need aid and the workers are overwhelmed. The effects of the virus have not quite reached his area of Africa yet, but he says it is coming. Could we be there with a massive amount of help before this virus overtakes his area of the world?

His words are still ringing in my ear, “Jack, we must be Jesus to the people here. If not, they will have no hope for future.” No hope. No future. The expectation of increased visits to the health clinic is going to mean more medicines needed, more supplies, more help. Already, each day there are people that walk, or ride bicycles over 30 miles to this clinic, the only one in their area.

I’m writing today to ask you to help me with this extra effort that they desperately need. When families live on less than $1 a day, the effects of the day to day struggle for survival will only be heightened. To keep the clinic supplied with the extra needs they have will cost an additional $10,000 for the next few months. Would you help be a part of providing hope to our friends in Malawi? Your gift will make a significant difference.

Thank you for standing with us!

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