June 2022
This Summer is going to be amazing... After nearly two years of craziness, it looks like this summer will be one of the busiest in the last 5 years! The children and families are so excited that teams from the USA are again coming back to serve, share, and love on them. Our missionaries are looking forward to seeing familiar faces and being encouraged just because of your presence. And, for those of you that will be with us this summer, that mouth-watering pizza that you see Larry making in the picture at the top will be waiting for you! Larry is leading out in our bakery in Zion as well as leading in the dump ministry and in our discipleship programs in several of the villages. God is using him in an incredible way. If you don't know Larry, you need to come down and meet him. He is one of the children that grew up in our programs as a 9, 10, and 11 year old young boy and look at how God is using him now. Those friends who are a part of our monthly partnership program are the ones who make stories like Larry's happen. $23 a month, 75 cents a day. That's all it takes for one child to have the opportunity to be in our Cups Programs. There are many more children that we want to have that opportunity. Our hope is, that by the end of the summer, an additional 100 children will have the opportunity to be in our Cups programs. If you aren't one of our monthly partners, would you consider joining the team this summer? Your significant gift will make an eternal difference in the life of a young boy or girl in the Dominican Republic.
Click here to join the team today!
Thank you for your partnership! Executive Director
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