March 2022
Cyclone Ana and Dumako devastate Malawi Dear *{{First Name}}*; Our brothers and sisters in Christ are suffering due to the recent cyclones in Malawi. We recently heard from Pastor Mark about the situation, "Currently many families in our communities are in camps, in schools and churches in the high lands as a result of the cyclones. Families have lost their homes, cattle, crops and many of their belongings due to heavy and strong rains, storms which caused flooding in almost all communities in Migowi and other districts in the southern and central areas. We have lost lives in the process and other people still missing to date.
Due to the cyclones, we are going through a very tough time. Many families are going for some days without eating in the camps. They have no toilet facilities in the camps. There are outbreaks ranging from cholera, pneumonia, open bowels, and Malaria due to mosquitoes. We have many people who have escaped the cyclones but now they cannot escape from diseases which come from germs as they have no way of protecting themselves. Lack of food also contributes to many diseases we are facing."
Can you help? A $5 gift right now will help one family receive emergency assistance, of food, toiletries, clean water, mosquito nets, and other relief aid. Could your family help two families in Malawi? A gift of $10 helps 2 families, $20 helps 4 families. Maybe God has laid on your heart to do more. A gift of $50 helps 10 families, a gift of $100 helps 20 families, $500 helps 100 families. You could be the answer to a family's prayer today with a gift. Please help now by clicking the "Malawi Disaster Relief" button below.
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