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$50,000 Matching Gift Challenge
Through your continued partnership with CUPS Mission, God is doing far more abundantly than we could ever ask or imagine! Daniel Solares, your CUPS Dominican Director, just sent an amazing update from this summer, and your support of CUPS programs is producing real fruit for the Kingdom of God and the Dominican children and families you serve! The first of those results are shown below, with Daniel’s full update and many other exciting announcements following soon.
Today’s big news is that just this morning one CUPS partner has issued a challenge to you, to join in continuing what God is doing at CUPS Mission with a $50,000 matching challenge
You heard that right!
Right now, every dollar you give will be doubled up to a total of $50,000 to continue the mission to Rescue a Child, Transform a Family and Do it Again Tomorrow!
Where else can you invest right now that guarantees a 100% immediate return, and a heavenly reward Jesus promised when he said “And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones who is my disciple, truly I tell you, that person will certainly not lose their reward.” -Matthew 10:42
Will you join us today and pray for the families of the thousands of children currently being served, lift up the new little brothers and sisters in Christ who have accepted the gift of salvation through His grace, pray for the continued growth and development of our student leaders, and the spiritual, emotional and physical protection of all of your CUPS Missionaries!
Don’t miss this opportunity!
Click the button below to make your significant gift today and double your impact for the Rescue of children and families in the Dominican Republic and around the world!