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CUPS Documentaries

Thanks for your support of CUPS! If you recently watched the movie clip, our first documentary is what paved the way and open the door to a potential motion picture. Please feel free to share and watch one of the documentaries below!

Host a CUPS Movie Night

If you’re interested in hosting a CUPS Movie Night, we’d love to provide more information about the documentaries, help you select the best option for your church, and equip you with resources to promote the event. Please fill out the form below to get in touch.

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CUPS Mission has created a documentary to bring light to everything that takes place in the Dominican Republic and in their mission. Visit to learn more and to figure out how you can join the story!

If you’re not familiar with CUPS Mission and what they are doing to change lives in the Dominican Republic, Visit to learn more and to figure out how you can join the story!

Want to see and hear how transformation is happening among a very special group of people in the Dominican Republic. Be encouraged and filled with hope by visiting for more information!