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“And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones who is my disciple, truly I tell you, that person will certainly not lose their reward.”

– Matthew 10:42


Dominican Children in our 2024 programs


Malawi Pastors in our 2024 Programs


Lives Impacted by CUPS Mission

Rescue. Transform. Repeat.


At CUPS Mission, our dedication knows no borders. In the heart of the Dominican Republic, we focus on rescuing and nurturing children, providing them with the tools for a brighter future. Across the plains of Malawi, our mission extends to the spiritual leaders, guiding pastors towards transformation and empowerment. Stay tuned, as our commitment expands to Mexico, where new opportunities for positive change are on the horizon. Join us in our journey to Rescue, Transform, and Repeat across the globe.

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CUPS Mission extends its outreach across borders to change lives.

Dominican Republic

About an hour and a half off the coast of Florida lies the Dominican Republic-it’s known for its beautiful Caribbean landscape as a popular tourist destination, but it’s also full of people struggling to make it each day. Learn More

Milpa Alta, Mexico


Malawi, Africa

CUPS Mission partners with River of Life, a wholistic ministry that is changing the landscape in Malawi. Learn More

Click on a location to learn more about how CUPS is changing lives.

The CUPS Mission

Rescue a Child

Our mission is to provide a lifeline for vulnerable children, offering hope, education, and a pathway to a brighter future for them and their families.

Transform a Family

Beyond individual impact, we focus on transforming entire families, fostering sustainable change that uplifts lives and creates a foundation for a better tomorrow.

Do it Again Tomorrow

Our commitment goes beyond a single day. We strive to make a difference every day, ensuring a continuous cycle of positive change for those we serve.

CUPS Mission is an ACSI Strategic Partner and is pleased to have these schools partner with us on our global engagement program.

Want to partner your school with CUPS?

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Team 23

The CUPS Documentary