We are excited that you are interested in Partnering your School with CUPS Mission! CUPS Mission is an ACSI Strategic Partner and works with Christian Schools and Colleges to transform the lives of young people both in the United States and in the Third World.
CUPS School Partnerships

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What is a School Partnership with CUPS Mission?
A School Partnership with CUPS Mission serves as a link between your School and the Third World! This partnership would allow for your students to see how God moves not only in the United States but also across the globe! Have your students hear stories from first hand encounters with God moving internationally. Have your students participate in Global Missions to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ! Be able to have your faculty not only teach students about being the hands and feet of Jesus, but have them participate as well!
Serving in the Third World is a life changing experience. As followers of Christ, we are in the business of changing lives and YOU have the opportunity to impact not only your school, but also others across the world!
How do I become a School Partner?
Whether you are an ACSI affiliated school or a Christian College/University, you can become a school partner by doing a few things:
First, have our Executive Director, Jack Eason, come speak at your school. Jack has served at CUPS Mission for nearly 15 years and has a heart for missions and youth. Jack has spoken across the country to youth about how being on mission for God can combat major issues our youth face. Having Jack come to your school will guarantee your students to be challenged in their faith and challenged to go out and do something about the wickedness in the world.
Second, help support CUPS Mission through sending your students to serve in the Third World. With opportunities to serve throughout the year in the Dominican Republic, Malawi Africa, and Mexico, your school has the ability to choose when works best for your administration, faculty, and students. Having your students go out and serve those less fortunate will offer an eye-opening experience that will continually shape their future.
Lastly, become prayer partners with CUPS Mission. Your school has the powerful ability to pray for our Mission. Those serving across the world with CUPS Need your prayers to continue telling others about Jesus. Without support from people and schools like you through prayer our missionaries would not be able to serve young people and families across the world so faithfully and diligently.
Your Students can be Interns at CUPS Mission
CUPS Mission has had the opportunity for 7 years to host interns each summer to learn more about being a missionary in the Third World. Interns serve alongside our full-time missionaries to reach more children, young people, and families with the Gospel. If you have students that might be interested in being Interns with CUPS Mission, email Sam Garrison, sam@cupsmission.com with your questions to find out more!
Benefit of Being CUPS School Partners
- School exposure
- A trusted educational outlet for schools to use for their students
- Discounted trips (The first faculty member to sign up goes for free*)
- Hands-On Experiential learning for students in the Third World
- Reinforcing what students are learning in the classroom
- Providing opportunities for students to use their skills and talents