November 2020
Happy Thanksgiving from your friends and missionaries at Crossover Cups Mission in the Dominican Republic.
I know that we all have a busy schedule. I appreciate you taking the time to read our updates of what your partnership is accomplishing. I personally have many things to be thankful for this year. Though I have been out of my secular work since March, a few events have come through in the last weeks and my family's needs have been met. I am so very grateful for that. Growing up in a low-income family, I can remember collecting returnable bottles along the roadside. I would return them for a ten-cent deposit to buy cans of Beef-A-Roni for my family to eat for supper. Unless you have been there, it might be hard to imagine being at that point in your life. My memories make me a grateful person. I suppose that is why Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. I am thankful for where I have come from. Perhaps that is part of what drives my desire to serve the poor people of the Dominican Republic. Each year, the mission has a visiting Thanksgiving team, who brings in food for the people and families who live and work in the garbage dump. This year, due to the Coronavirus pandemic, we cannot. The mission is missing the hundreds of jars of peanut butter and tuna that come in every summer from our mission teams. Our food supply closet is dwindling. Since mid-March, we have served only beans and rice, since they are cheap, but those beans and rice have blessed a lot of children and their parents. Those people are very thankful. The feeding program for the 600+ houses in our communities has seen great fruits during the quarantines thanks to your generous donations. Parents who never had time to talk about Christianity or God are now willing to have a chat with Daniel, as they have seen the love of God in action. It has been your continued faithful partnership that has brought this about. Without you, we would have had to say goodbye. Other missions have.
On a positive note, through the ministry of the local Dominican leadership students serving the summer Bible Camps, Daniel has felt the need to start a new church for these young people. Amid the most challenging times of our life, God is using it to bring others to Him. Thank you for the prayers and the partnership. I close by asking you to keep up the prayers and support. We must keep focused and stay the course. We must allow people to understand the faithfulness of God, as demonstrated through His people… you.
I know that hundreds of feeding ministries in the United States hand out turkeys and boxes of food to anyone blessed with a car to pick it up. There is only one mission asking your help to feed some children in the Dominican Republic and a garbage dump. We don’t have a big mailing list. We have you. Could you see fit to dedicate your Thanksgiving partnership to a place that would use your gift to feed genuinely hungry people and bring them to Christ? Click the link below to make a special Thanksgiving gift today. Your special offering will bring rice, beans, and some chicken to hungry children. Your donation will make this a month of great Thanksgiving for hungry families. In my lifetime, there has never been a time of greater food needs in the Dominican Republic. I thank you in advance for being an active part of the body of Christ in loving and feeding children. You inspire us.
Eat a drumstick at home for me, Mike Williams