The River of Life Vocational School thanks you!
Hey Crossover Malawi family!
The River of Life vocational school is thriving and is becoming a place of growth for many. We are so excited to see the change that is happening. Students are able to use their vocational school training and use it for the exact purpose of their desired lives. The students in these schools learn about carpentry, hairdressing and even electrical installation. These trades are very beneficial for them and especially for the environment they are in. The professors are doing amazing, that students have benefited so much. The Malawi government has told the citizens of Malawi that the River of Life vocational school is the school to go, because they have some of the best electricians in Malawi! That is the impact that you are helping create in Malawi. No matter where you are right now in the world, people in Malawi are being affected by your constant prayers, and financial support.
The next group of students are graduating this fall and they are going to be a light in their villages, Africa, and around the world. Not only have they had the opportunity to learn life skills that are transferable to the community around them, but these students exhibit a work ethic that is undeniable. Many people are able to be positively impacted by this. The impact of learning these life skills will truly change the trajectory of their lives. It is nothing that is taken lightly, but rather something that could be a skill for the rest of their lives. It is easy in the U.S. to acquire these life skills as a hobby, but these are trades that can provide them with income, hope, and the ability to have a positive future. Continue to partner with us to join us hand in hand in prayer for the incoming graduates!
If you would like to donate to continue helping students join these programs? Please visit our website and click "give", or click the button below!
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