September 2020
Right now in the United States, school is a large topic of conversation. Because of the Coronavirus, the new year at school may look vastly different for most children. My niece and nephew are supposed to start their first year of school this fall. They have been looking forward to it with great anticipation - new teachers, new friends, and new routines. However, they may not be able to due to the Coronavirus. Some of our high school friends who have come to the DR on a trip with us aren't quite as happy about returning to school, as high school means much homework and many exams.
In the Dominican Republic, all children anxiously look forward to the possibility of going to school, no matter their age. For most of them, it's not possible, despite the Covid-19 pandemic. The challenge for attending school in the DR is not the Coronavirus, but having the funds necessary to enter school. School in the Dominican is not free. There is no such thing as public education. There is no government assistance for school. The cost of school fees, uniforms, school supplies, etc. make it nearly impossible for children in the DR to obtain a formal education.
Here at the Crossover Cups Mission, EDUCATE is one of our core values. We believe in the education of children. Because of people like you who give, many of the children in the Crossover Cups villages have been going to school, and (Lord willing) will return to school this fall in some fashion. Dominican children study hard because they know that education is the key to escaping poverty. Education is the key to a better future. Education is the escape from a life of imminent exploitation and abuse.
Natasha is one of those students who has been able to attend school through the Crossover Cups program. She lives just beyond the garbage dump and has been written off by most of society. but she knows the future that God has for her is very bright. Because someone like you stepped up to cover the cost of her school fees, uniforms, and shoes, Natasha is changing the trajectory of her life. This happens every day with almost 70 children just in the village of La Union Abajo.Your continued support makes stories like Natasha's happen each month. Your monthly gift is a lifeline for young children like Natasha.
If you would like to transform the life of a child like Natasha, click below to make your significant gift. Every penny helps change a child's future.
Jack Eason Executive Director
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